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Showing posts from December, 2017

Putting the Pieces Together on Paper

It's time to get our proposal submitted!  Our team has used the 'divide and conquer' approach to manage the writing process.  There are several sections of the application that have needed to be developed. Some have worked on creating our social media presence.  Others have created a plan to share our experience after the trip, if we're accepted,  with our community.  Another group worked on creating a lesson plan to use with students.  A group developed sketches of our system and a technical description of how it will work. We intend to create code with an Arduino device - but we have yet to learn how to do that. Here are the documents as they are ready to go into NASA! Each school's administration has written a letter of support and we're ready to press SUBMIT!

Name It?

We need a name! After much exploration, we settled on calling ourselves the KatoLaunchSquad . Our initial presentation is due to NASA by mid-December.  We're working on assembling lots of writing to explain our concept as we develop it. Once we get the proposal in, one of our next goals will be to develop our social media presence and to create a logo. We also discovered that the pucks were using are available locally - so we'll pick up a few to experiment with.